5 Pieces of Exercise Equipment for Beginners

“I don’t have any workout equipment at my house!  How could in-home personal training possibly work?”  This is a very common question I get from people interested in our services.  And the answer is, at Swamp Fitness, our personal trainers specialize in body weight exercises.  There are actually a surprising number of workouts that can be done just using the weight of one’s own body as resistance.  Squats, lunges, pushups, pull-ups, and planks are all really good examples of exercises that don’t require any equipment!  

However, if you’re a beginner and interested in purchasing a few items for your home gym, here are a few very affordable examples that are a great place to start!

Resistance bands 

I highly recommend resistance bands because of their versatility.  They can be used for extra resistance to many body weight exercises as well as for flexibility and mobility work.  Most sets come with 3-5 bands offering a variety of resistance options with just one purchase.  They are easily portable and storable and are actually safer to use than traditional dumbbells! 


Stability Ball

This is a great tool for adding a little extra flair to your body weight exercises.  It also promotes balance, good posture and is great for strengthening your core!  


Jump Rope

The jump rope is great to have on hand for little bursts of cardio!  If you’re working out at home, jumping rope gets your heart pumping quickly also helps with coordination and agility!  It’s also very portable and doesn’t require much space to use!


Adjustable Dumbbells or

2 Sets of Dumbbells

Even if you primarily are using resistance bands as a beginner, I still find it beneficial to have a few sets of dumbbells. I recommend one light pair and one heavier pair, but the specific weights will depend on your current fitness level and goals.  You can use the lighter set for extra weight during cardo (carry them on a walk) and then use heavier set for free weight or stability ball exercises.  I’d also like to mention there are adjustable dumbbell sets you can buy.  These are going to be a little more expensive but can be adjusted from 5 up to 75 pounds.  They could be a great option for some people, but once again, it will depend on the goals of the individual.  (Need a starter exercise? Check out this video on the Bicep Curl!)


Pull-Up Bar

Pull-Ups are a compound exercise, meaning they work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.  While excellent for efficiency, pull-ups are admittedly a pretty tough move, especially for those just starting out.  However, with the use of resistance bands, you can start off easy!  Go at your own pace, progress, and you’ll be able to do them on your own in no time! (Ask Me How!)

There are so many types and styles of equipment available these days.  The most important thing is to find something that you ENJOY!  There are way too many options to spend time doing exercises you hate!  If you’re looking for some extra health and fitness tips, be sure to connect with us on social media!  We’d love to hear from you! 

Author: Sarah Kunkler, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Gainesville FL; NASM Personal Trainer Ocala FL

Swamp Fitness