MYTH: Personal Training is Just for Athletes and Celebrities

What comes to mind when you hear the term “personal trainer”? Too hard-core? Just for super models? I’m not trying to qualify for the Olympics! While some people do have these goals, it is a common misconception that personal training is just for fitness professionals.  

            At Swamp Fitness, the health and wellness of our clients is our number one focus.  We prioritize the development of healthy and sustainable habits and help people truly change their lives!  It’s not just about losing weight or toning up.   It’s about having more energy during the day, sleeping better and longer at night, and experiencing the mental clarity that comes with a healthier lifestyle.

            The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week.   According to a CDC study, only 53.3% of American adults are achieving this recommendation.  That’s right – approximately half of the adult population is not getting enough exercise on a regular basis. What are two of the most cited reasons for this?  “Not enough time” and “not sure how to start.”  Working with an in-home personal trainer can solve both of these! You’ll have a certified professional arriving at the location and time of your preference with a workout prepared specifically for you to reach your health and wellness goals.   You’ll receive individualized coaching to help you incorporate exercise into your weekly routine and develop lifelong healthy habits.  You may not be looking for “fitness,” but you’ll want the benefits that a regular wellness routine can provide – a better quality of life, feeling better in your own body, and ultimately, better chances for a healthier and longer life! 

Author: Sarah Kunkler, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Swamp Fitness