
To say working with Swamp Fitness changed my life would be an understatement. After years and years of being unhappy with my weight and overall physical appearance, I finally decided to do something about it. During our initial consultation, I shared my ultimate goal of losing weight. At the start, I weighed 276.4lbs and set my goal weight to 225lbs. I admitted that the biggest obstacle would be food (what I was eating and how much I was eating). I told my personal trainer that the only option for me was going cold turkey: cutting out all of the “bad” foods and embracing the “good” foods. After our first consultation, my trainer went with me to the grocery store, where we spent a whopping 2 hours. Aisle by aisle, I pointed out what I would usually buy and my trainer would point out the stuff that I should be buying instead. By this point, I knew this wasn’t going to be the normal personal training you’d get at a gym, although there were many nights at the gym and at The Swamp that lie ahead of me. Swamp Fitness has a personal training style that is much more personal, and you can tell their trainers truly love and care about what they are doing and want more than anything to see their clients succeed. A year and a half later I am at the lowest weight I’ve ever been (229lbs) and while I’m no longer working with Swamp Fitness, I still utilize the knowledge that was given to me about living a healthy lifestyle.

*results may vary from person to person

*results may vary from person to person

Swamp Fitness